Ethereum: What’s the mnemonic seed for in, if they use non-deterministic wallets?

Understanding Ethereum Mnemonic Seeds and Non-Deterministic Wallets

As a blockchain enthusiast, maintaining a secure and private cryptocurrency wallet is crucial. One often overlooked aspect of wallet security is the mnemonic seed used to recover funds in case an account is compromised. In this article, we’ll delve into what Ethereum’s mnemonic seeds are for, using non-deterministic wallets, and how to properly manage your seed.

Mnemonic Seeds: What Are They?

A mnemonic seed, also known as a password or phrase, is a sequence of words used to recover a private key from a cryptographic wallet. On the Ethereum blockchain, users generate a unique mnemonic seed to create their wallet address. This seed serves as a backup in case an account is compromised, and is essential for recovering funds.

Ethereum Non-Deterministic Wallets

When creating an Ethereum wallet, you will be given a non-deterministic wallet. This type of wallet uses a random number generator (RNG) to generate the private keys and public addresses. Because the RNG generates different combinations each time the wallet is created, the same mnemonic seed can result in multiple wallets.

Ethereum Mnemonic Seeds for

For Ethereum non-deterministic wallets on sites like, the mnemonic seeds are typically generated randomly when you create an account. The exact sequence of words or phrases will vary from user to user. You’ll often receive a random string that looks something like this:


What is the purpose of Mnemonic Seeds?

The purpose of mnemonic seeds is to protect your private keys in case you lose access to your wallet or account. By storing your mnemonic seed securely, you can recover your funds if needed.

How ​​to Keep Your Mnemonic Seed Secure

To keep your mnemonic seed safe:

  • Write it down: Write the mnemonic seed on a piece of paper or use an encrypted note-taking app.

  • Store it securely: Keep your note in a safe location, such as a password manager or a secure online storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

  • Don’t share it

    Ethereum: What's the mnemonic seed for in, if they use non-deterministic wallets?

    : Don’t share your mnemonic seed with anyone who doesn’t need to know.


Maintaining a secure mnemonic seed is crucial to protecting your Ethereum funds. While non-deterministic wallets provide an additional layer of security, it’s still essential to store and use the generated seed safely. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your private keys remain secure even in the event of account compromise.

Additional Tips

  • Consider using a hardware wallet or paper wallet for added security.

  • Regularly update your mnemonic seeds to avoid being locked out due to an outdated password.

  • Be cautious when sharing personal information, including your mnemonic seed, with anyone.

By taking these steps and understanding how Ethereum non-deterministic wallets work, you can enjoy the benefits of cryptocurrency while maintaining peace of mind.